Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Merry CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year..............Highlights and vision for 2017.

Hello from the Land of Haiti,

The Lord sure has been good to me and my family this year. Yes, we have had our trying moment's, but through it all we give Him the honor and Praise. As this year comes to a close we first and foremost we want to Thank you our Prayer warriors and Supporters, without all of you we could not do what the Lord has called us to do. So we Thank you.

Some highlight of 2016 were, Lord supplying the medicines needed to keep the clinic open. Getting 2 of the floors done in the clinic. Praying to finish it in 2017. 2 New churches were built, Bible School continues. Many souls saved.

We are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in 2017. Working with the Child here in Haiti has always been on my heart. Besides getting to help them when they are sick. It will be neat to help and teach them in another avenue. Jonathan and I always have mothers, and fathers come to our gate and ask for help for there children. They ask is there any way we could help send and pay for there children to go to school. Here in Haiti, school is not free. It cost anywhere from 125 US to 300US, depending where the child goes to school and what grade they are in. Our prayer in 2017 is that we can get our reader's and supporters willing to sponsor a child. This helps them get the needed education to benefit themselves to get job's when they are older. Will you Help? Will you make this a matter of prayer. If you feel led to help, Please email me @ jwcwinhaiti@yahoo.com or on Facebook - Missionaries Jonathan-Christina Wall.

We also hope to start a children's ministry. Where we have our local neighborhood kids come and we have Bible stories and have a time of fun and fellowship. We need to teach the kids about Christ. The kids are the future. We have many kids in our area., many who don't know Christ. Please pray for wisdom and guidance in this area.

Also please go ahead and join my blog, when you do you will get updates on the ministry and the happenings here in Haiti.

Hope this is a blessing to you,

Christina Wall

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sharing my heart.....just a little

Greetings from Haiti,

As I sit here and erase and write and erase and write and truly not knowing what to write. Our day to day duties consist of many, many things. For me I first and foremost are a help meet or wife or even the right hand man to my hubby. From sun up to sun down I am always doing something. Some days are great and well some days are far to emotional to tell. I know we can not always help everyone but with the resources we do have we do what we can. Mondays our week starts out holding clinic which starts at 7:30 am. Let me tell you we have many people who trek hours just to be seen. They come to us because they can't afford to go anywhere else. My heart wants to do everything in my power to help each child, Mom and Dad and elder person we see, but my head tells me they waited to long, it may be too late and the only thing left to do is pray to the only one who can save them. Yes, we give medicines and clothes and food when we have it but that is not going to save them if its just too late. My heart breaks, but you know my God gets me through. Can we ask you to please pray for the clinic. Please pray the medicines will be sufficient to take care of all the illness we see. Please pray as we share the gospel and share love and care for them that the Lord will convict hearts and we will see people saved.
Second half of the day consists of school. The Lord opened the door for me to teach English. Jonathan and his dad teach all other courses. The Lord has truly blessed the supplies to teach. Its a fun job and I do enjoy doing it.
Sometimes I think Missionary wives feel there is not much place to do things in ministry but you know the Lord has a plan and he fits you in just where He wants you. As I said before I am a wife and help meet to my hubby and I love that job. My hubby always say if it wasn't for me he doesn't know where he would be. Please don't forget to pray for the wives. We sure do need them.

Because of His Blood,
Christina Wall