Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Our adventures getting our Permis Sejour

Greetings from One Thankful Missionary,

As I am sitting here writing this I just want to Praise the Lord for how good He is to us. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind. Our 90 day visa's expire in January, this would mean we are on crunch time to get all the needed items to get said resident permit. Praise the Lord we opened the Bank account needed , with a few glitches and 3 trips to Hinche but its open. We also were able to get the medical certificate very Thankful for another Missionary and his wife who walked us through the process and were able to get the test and results and paper needed in a span of 2 hours.
The damage
Jonathan and I got up bright and early this morning and drove the 3 1/2 hours  to Cap Haiti. Beautiful drive, seen lots of goats and pigs just hanging out in the middle of the road. We were able to take all of our paper work to the immigration office and now we wait for everything to be processed so we should have in hand in about 4 weeks. On our way home we ran into a couple of obstacles. We were just outside the city and on the road that takes us home, there were protesters and tires burning and the road was blocked they were throwing rocks. Now when this happens we don't even try to pass, it can become very violent. The United Nations came and they were unable to help as the people were throwing rocks and they drove away. We turned around and Jonathan wanted to take me to see the San Souci Palace so we drove and took a look. We were trying to get a hold of Jonathan's dad to see if there was another way we could go. As we were driving we started to hear a bad noise coming from the tire and it was shaking, we stopped and Jonathan got out and looked at the tire and he noticed the lug nuts had board into the rim.  One of the local Haitian guys came over and Jonathan and him looked at the tire and he said he could fix it. Now in Haiti that could mean anything. He went to his house and brought back some washers and put them on. We thought it was fixed, Jonathan started the truck and we started to drive off and the tire pops completely off. Here we are on this corner, half in the road about 10 people on the other side of the road watching. The same man comes back and takes a look at it again and this time he and the 5 other men watching jack up the truck. He did this 6 times and finally it worked they go put the tire back on and the washer, this time ones that fits and put the lug nuts back on and we go go. We get back in the truck, go back down the same road. The police came and dealt with the protesters from earlier and put the dirt back in the road. This time 5 ft from the other one they put huge banana leafs in the middle of the road, people blocking the road. Jonathan and I turn around again. Another missionary who was in the area and came to check on us was still up the road waiting on some people. We let him know that the road was again blocked. He and Jonathan decided they would drive down a little further and see how bad it really was. Praise the Lord the police were once again coming and they were behind us. We stopped and let them go ahead of us and we slowly edged our way closer. We saw them throw tear gas grenades at one home. They continued on and made the protestors disperse, they cleaned all the stuff out of the road way and after about 10 mins we were able to pass. Praise the Lord for this missionary as he followed behind us and make sure we made it back up the mountain without any more issues. We were able to make it home before dark. Thank you all for all the prayers. As we good not have made this trip or go through these things with out you.

Because Of His Blood,
Christina Wall

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Its Thanksgiving!!!!

Greetings from the warmer land of Haiti,

As I sit here and write this post the temperature is currently 81 degrees. Which means we may hit the low 90's by this afternoon. Yes it Thanksgiving but the weather makes it feel more like summer than fall. Here in Haiti, Thanksgiving is not an average Holiday that is celebrated. They simply go about there business and it just another day. For us Americans Thanksgiving is a very special day and for you in the states this day will be filled with family, friends and lots of Turkey and dessert. lol but for us on the field and yes it will be a little different for Jonathan and I as this will be our first Thanksgiving and Christmas on the field. We have a get together with other Missionaries on the field. We will have Pig, Turkey, stuffing and desserts among other things. I'm sure it will be a great day. Please pray for us as we miss our loved ones back home. In my English class the other day I was explaining why we as American's celebrate Thanksgiving and why this day is so very special. I explained how it all started with the Pilgrim's and the Indians and how they got together and broke bread and set there differences aside. Also how this Country (USA) was based on Godly principles and the Bible. Thanksgiving is a day where we express all we are Thankful for but I also told them we should be Thankful everyday not just at Thanksgiving. We need to Pray and Thank the Lord everyday. So today on this very special day I am Thankful for my hubby Jonathan. He completes me and he is my God given Helpmeet. I am also thankful for my salvation and for the grace I am given everyday. I am human and I do make mistakes and I'm Thankful for 2nd chances. I'm Thankful for Veteran Missionaries  (Fred and Joyce Wall) aka the in-laws for there wisdom and allowing us to come to Haiti and work with them. I am also Thankful for my parents, all they taught me growing up and giving me and showing me what love is and never giving up on me. So many other things I could say but there is a few. Question for you what are you Thankful for? Have you prayed and thanked the Lord for all the undeserving blessing he gives us each and everyday.  

Have a great day!

Because of His Blood,
Christina Wall

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Updates coming soon!

Greetings from Lapila, Haiti,

Return soon as the updates will begin soon.

Because of His Blood,
Christina Wall

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life as it goes.........

Greetings from our far away land in Haiti,

Hope this day finds everyone well. Its been a week since I last updated so here it goes. Well a week ago Monday and yesterday (Monday) I opened the clinic for the first time by myself. Let me say a very scary task and not easy but I am always up for a challenge. Praise the Lord for the 5 people who showed up and then the 30 who came this Monday passed. Before we see them we hold church. Jonathan or maybe a visiting Preacher will preach. We tell them you came today for medicine for the body because you are sick, Let me tell you about the Great Physician The Lord Jesus that. Some come and just listen because they just want the medicines that they think will help and or cure them. But Praise the Lord there is always that one that is really listening and gets saved. Folks that's why we are here to give the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ to Our people. The door is open and we have many ears that are listening. Please keep the clinic and our patients in Prayer. We have a low supply of medicines and without medicines its hard to treat patients. Some ask how they can help there is a company called Map Travel which supplies medicines to missionaries in Foreign Countries. The cost you may ask is $500.00 plus $100.00 shipping and then freight of $1.60 a pound and then customs?????????????. Can I ask you to Pray with us about this need. If you would like to help please email myself or Jonathan at jwcwinhaiti@yahoo.com

Last Tuesday Jonathan and I had the opportunity to go on our first adventure to Cap Haitian, Haiti. This is the second largest city in Haiti. For the most part the ride was very bumpy and maybe a mile or two that was so smooth. Jonathan and I had the opportunity to fellowship with Missionaries in St Raphael Bro. Harry Peart. He rode with us and showed us where the Grocery store's are and where the Home Depot like store is. Got to see the Ocean and where Jonathan grew up as a kid with his parents who have been in Haiti for 35 years and still here. We also saw a view of the beautiful areas. It was a great knowledgeable adventure.
Also for some reason the picture can not be uploaded here If you happened to have a facebook (Christina marie Mitchell wall) page I have uploaded them there.
Thank you for taking a moment to read and I pray this will be a blessing to you.

Christina Wall

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Here's how we go to church

Greeting's from Haiti,

Today is the Lord's day and what do we do we go to church. For most of you will wake up, eat breakfast , get dressed and hop in the car and drive on into Church. For most Haitian's it not like that at all. They wake up and for most they will not eat breakfast but will get dressed and go to church.  For most they travel by foot and sometimes travel hour's just to come to church. They walk through dirt road's, racket path's, through the river's and muddy stream's. Let me say this DOES NOT stop them. The father's will make sure there child and wife get across dry. Putting there babies on there heads, just so they can come to church. Life here is so very simple. Unlike our people we were able to have a hot breakfast. Unlike our people we were able to hop in the truck and drive the 8 miles. Praise the Lord for safety as we went off roading several times, went mudding too.
You may think 8 miles are nothing but with our road's here it really takes an 1hour and a half. We arrived at Las Ma Moon to be greeted with smiles and hug's. After we arrive we sing a few song's. Now Sunday school has begun and more people have arrived. See Haiti has no concept of time. So when the music begins our people know it's time to come to church. By the time Sunday school finishes the church is near full. Morning worship hour has began. Today my father in law preached on modesty. We Praise the Lord for a new day and being able to be in church and for safety. Below is picture's of our morning drive. Picture's will not do it justice. If you have any question's please ask. Thank you for taking a moment to read. I pray this will be a blessing to you.
********Sorry due to internet issue's I can not upload the photo's at this time.
Because of His Blood,
Christina Wall

Friday, March 21, 2014

We have arrived!!!!!!!

Greetings in the very warm island of Haiti, 

Praise the Lord we have arrived!!! As most of you know we left Myrtle Beach to head to florida on sunday. We finished getting our groceries and went to Missionary Flights to bring our cargo to have it all weighed. We had 13 barrels, 8 totes and 3 suit cases a generator and 1 recling chair. Our total weight was 2600 lbs. We had asked for 1400 lbs but kind of went over. Praise the Lord we were able to get everything on the plane. Wednesday was a relaxation day and thursday of course we woke up bright and early. We arrived at the airport at 5:30am. We flew out at 7am. We arrived in country around 11:15am. Jonathan and I asked for prayer reguarding customs and how much they would charge us when we brought our belongs in. Let me just say your prayers were answered. The customs agent went through each and every items but Praise the Lord we only were charged $360.00. Aint God good. We had a great flight when we arrived it was in the 90's. Needless to say much hotter then Myrtle Beach. 
Its been a great first 2 days. Jonathan has a language teacher lined up. Please be in prayer as I learn the language.The Bible school is coming along great. 
We would like to thank you to all who lift us up in Prayer. Without that we would not be here. 

Come back soon as we will be updating, 
