Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life as it goes.........

Greetings from our far away land in Haiti,

Hope this day finds everyone well. Its been a week since I last updated so here it goes. Well a week ago Monday and yesterday (Monday) I opened the clinic for the first time by myself. Let me say a very scary task and not easy but I am always up for a challenge. Praise the Lord for the 5 people who showed up and then the 30 who came this Monday passed. Before we see them we hold church. Jonathan or maybe a visiting Preacher will preach. We tell them you came today for medicine for the body because you are sick, Let me tell you about the Great Physician The Lord Jesus that. Some come and just listen because they just want the medicines that they think will help and or cure them. But Praise the Lord there is always that one that is really listening and gets saved. Folks that's why we are here to give the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ to Our people. The door is open and we have many ears that are listening. Please keep the clinic and our patients in Prayer. We have a low supply of medicines and without medicines its hard to treat patients. Some ask how they can help there is a company called Map Travel which supplies medicines to missionaries in Foreign Countries. The cost you may ask is $500.00 plus $100.00 shipping and then freight of $1.60 a pound and then customs?????????????. Can I ask you to Pray with us about this need. If you would like to help please email myself or Jonathan at jwcwinhaiti@yahoo.com

Last Tuesday Jonathan and I had the opportunity to go on our first adventure to Cap Haitian, Haiti. This is the second largest city in Haiti. For the most part the ride was very bumpy and maybe a mile or two that was so smooth. Jonathan and I had the opportunity to fellowship with Missionaries in St Raphael Bro. Harry Peart. He rode with us and showed us where the Grocery store's are and where the Home Depot like store is. Got to see the Ocean and where Jonathan grew up as a kid with his parents who have been in Haiti for 35 years and still here. We also saw a view of the beautiful areas. It was a great knowledgeable adventure.
Also for some reason the picture can not be uploaded here If you happened to have a facebook (Christina marie Mitchell wall) page I have uploaded them there.
Thank you for taking a moment to read and I pray this will be a blessing to you.

Christina Wall

1 comment:

  1. Dearheart (smile). I have NEVER believe that there is "coincidence" in God -- with that being said (smile). OUR MEETING WAS BY DIVINE APPOINTMENT...! I look forward to you, Jonathan, me, and eventually my sweetie (Robin) growing TOGETHER in Grace and service fo His Majesty for MANY YEARS to come (smile). I Love you guys, and thank Him daily for "such a time asa this" -- Looking forward to our next shared "Dr. Pepper" (smile)
