Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's been too long

It's been too long.......

These last couple of months have been busy. So thankful the Lord has allowed us to present in many churches. In June Jonathan and I had the chance to be in our annual mission candiate school this year. Each year they have ladies classes. This year Sister Terry Green taught a class on Hospitality. She read a book call Lackadaisical Love by Trish Rife. Let me tell you I have this book and have started reading it and already love it. Currently I am on the Hospitality is....selfless giving chapter. Hospitality is entertaining strangers or guests without reward, or with kind and generous liberality.

Philippians 2: 3&4
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

"Every man" in the above verse means every man and every women. We each have an obligation to look beyond ourselves and determine how we can impact someone else's life in a postive manner.
Jesus was consumed with others, and although we are sinners by nature and by choice, Jesus did not let the torturous circumstances and repercussions sway his decision to leave Heaven to come to our sin-saturated world. His sole motivation was others, and it was the motivating factor behind his actions. When we have a desire to better ourselves, God's example is always the best way.
Those who live for others have learned to place their own feelings on the back burner.
Here is another way to look at it "There are billions of planets revolving around billions of stars. They all revolve around one point in the universe, and that point is not you." And it's not me either!
Here are some small example's of Hospitality and kindness. A Pastor visiting your church. You could ask if there is a place they need to go or maybe they have laundry that needs to be done or clothes needed to be ironed. Remember Hospitality should leave the other person cared for, catered-to, and loved.
Have you been kind and go beyond what you would do for someone else. Im sure we could all work on this.
I hope this will be a blessing to someone and ask that you please continue to pray for Jonathan and I as we continue to travel and continue to visit churches and raise the support needed to get to Haiti. Asap.
Because of His Blood,
Christina Wall

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